Extra Puzzles

Extra Puzzles are puzzles that are used for testing purposes, built as guest puzzles at other hubs, or puzzles that were built through requests. They may not be permanent, and are subject to changes. You can find these puzzles scattered around in different servers, usually away from the Main Puzzle list.

Crash XIV

A Guest Puzzle built in the Galactic Circus. This theme recreates the classic Crash Bandicoot game into FFXIV.Location: Sargatanas, Empyreum Ward 17 Plot 2 Room 33Difficulty: 2.1Extra: Land on 10 boxes scattered about in the puzzle.Bonus: Time Attack - Deduct 2 seconds from your total time record for each box landed on during the trial. (Landing on boxes is optional)


A Test Puzzle built around the theme of the fourth dimension and perfect symmetry. Multiple clear paths available.Location: Gilgamesh, Lavender Beds Ward 20, Wing 1, Apartment Room 62.Difficulty varies depending on route taken (1.8~3.6)Gate: WarpExtra: No WarpingBonus: Trace (True Trace - 20)


A Test Puzzle built around the theme of distortion and absolute asymmetry.Location: Siren, Lavender Beds Ward 20, Wing 1, Apartment Room 70.Difficulty: 3Maze